The three videos below are of another day we spent working in the studio on our solos. As it's coming to the end of term, I'm starting to feel really tired and it's sometimes a struggle to be as creative as possible in the studio. In order to get our minds working we decided to set ourselves a ten second challenge in which we had to get from one end of the room to the other, doing a range of movements. I found this particularly interesting to see how I would attempt to judge the time as I moved, as on the day of our solo performance we have to create a dance that is between 2-4 minutes.
Next, we decided to work in pairs playing with different words. Again, we worked with a focus on time as we only improvised for 30 seconds in each pair. In my first piece I worked with the words sharp and fast and in the second soft and slow. I enjoyed watching these videos back and seeing how when two people dance two very different things, it can still look like a choreographed piece. It made us all start to think about next terms duet assessment. But for the meantime I think our solo is our main priority!
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