Tuesday, 6 March 2012

SRT-Class Two

Standing in parallel and with eyes closed, I used my breath to sense my weight in the ground. I could feel the air around me and the cold hard floor on my soft feet.

As I began to walk in space, I noticed a lot of tension in my left shoulder. As I was paying extra attention to this I kept forgetting to keep my pelvis in a neutral position.

The idea of slowing everything down, but being present in the moment

Partner Graphic
1.Take a plie
2.Partner holds onto ribcage
3.Movement with partner bringing an awareness to skull and pelvis

The bigger the plie, the easier it was to maintain my balance as I had more time to engage with the stomach muscles.

There was a real sense of floating the skull through the hands being placed on the axis

Arms were encouraged to slide down the back, releasing the tension in my left shoulder.

Spiralling helped the spine to rotate and float upwards, whilst encouraging the ribcage to lift too.

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